
Education in Sahaja School

"Encourage them to feel part and parcel of the whole ... that we are all one and they enjoy the collective oneness."


Sahaja Meditation

The children become capable of identifying and maintaining a state of Inner Peace.

"Education is the most powerful weapon

you can use to change the world."


The CISS educational method

Aims to achieve a harmonious, balanced development in children, in which knowledge is understood to be a synthesis between knowledge of the external world and knowledge of one’s inner Self.

It is based on a number of key principles:

  • Love and a holistic education
  • Collective life (education in boarding schools)
  • An international education
  • Meditation
  • Art, play, creativity and contact with nature in a safe and protected environment.

About Sahaja Schools around the World

The unique and revolutionary educational system developed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has already been used for many decades in schools in India, Australia, Italy and United States of America.


First school opening





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Frequently Asked Questions

A1: CISS is currently operating as a home-schooling project. In Italy, there are two alternatives for parents wishing to educate their own children in this way:
a) They can educate them themselves as long as they are qualified…
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A2: Each country has its own laws. Some allow home-schooling, some do not. Most European countries do. Parents should check the situation in their country before sending their children.
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A3: Yes, they are completely legal. Parents have the right to choose the type of education they consider best for their children. If they do not wish to send them to a state school…
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    "As well as nurturing intellectual and emotional growth, education should also encompass the spiritual wellbeing of children"